
Most of the works of Bohdan Soroka are the result of deep reflections on different puzzles of life. As a unique individual, the artist brought a new color into Ukrainian artistic life. As an artist and as a folk art collector, he combined epochs of Ukrainian culture, the natural but slow development of the nation, that despite its independence, is still fighting for its identity and its place amongst free nations.?

Bohdan Horyn, author, art historian”

Born: September 2, 1940 in Lviv, Ukraine
Died: April 8, 2015, Rzesz?w, Poland
Graphic artist
Graduated from the Lviv Academy of Art in 1964
Winner of the International Competition of Ex-Libris in Vilnius in 1989
Professor, founder and first chair of the Industrial Graphic Department, Lviv Academy of Art 1993-2006
Author of best-selling Memoirs ????????? 2014
Major collector of Hutsulian folk art
Recipient of the Order for ?Intellectual Bravery? from the Independent Cultural Magazine ??? 2012

Location of works

here you can find some of his works
  • Ukrainian Museum of Art, Kyiv
  • Taras Shevchenko Museum, Kyiv
  • Kaniv Reservation Museum, Kaniv
  • National Museum, Lviv
  • Picture Gallery, Lviv
  • Museum of Religious History, Lviv
  • Library of the Academy of Sciences, Lviv
  • Ukrainian-Canadian Art Foundation, Toronto
  • Ukrainian Free University, Munich
  • The Ukrainian Museum, New City, USA
  • Ukrainian National Museum, Chicago, USA
  • Niagara Falls Gallery and Museum
  • Lithuanian National Library, Vilnius
  • Hurn Museum, Savannah, Georgia, USA

Personal Exhibitions

Lviv?1988, 1989, 1995, 1998, 2000, 2011
Kyiv?1987, 1990,
Toronto, Ottawa, Edmonton (Canada)?1991, 2000-01, 2006
Philadelphia (USA)?1992
New York, Cleveland, Chicago, Washington, DC (USA)?1998-99, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007
Munich (Germany)?1993, 2000
Rochdale, London?1996
Detroit–2004, 2009
Chicago?2004, 2010, 2016
Ann Arbor, MI–2005

Ukrainian Artist

From gallery